
On Thursday, October 6, we met for a hike to the Glatzenstein in the Franconian Alb. Even though it was still drizzling slightly at the beginning of the hike, the weather turned into a golden autumn day from noon on. A salamander was very unimpressed by the many feet that crossed his path. Especiall...

Category: Allgemein, General, News

In the current FAU newsletter there is a report on the home brewing, which was offered by the BVT institute in this semester as part of the online practical course on microbial process engineering: Zuhause Bier brauen fürs Studium (Article in German) Many thanks to Stefanie Fritzsche from the ...

Category: General, News, Teaching

In the current issue of "Nachrichten aus der Chemie" there is a conference report on the past CeBiTec symposium, in which our PhD student Michael Mertz also participated in December 2019. The symposium was entitled: "13th International CeBiTec Symposium: Multi-Step Syntheses in Biology & Che...

Category: Conferences, General, News

This year, Prof. Dr. Castiglione presented her research in one of the two keynote lectures at the FAU Dies Academicus. Her topic was "Modern Bioprocess Engineering: Molecular Tools for Innovative Processes". The lecture can be found on the page

Category: General, News

On July 5, not only GE was our guest, but also the graduation ceremony of the technical faculty took place. We are particularly pleased that our former master student Fabian Sternal was awarded a prize of the Association of German Engineers (VDI). Since Mr. Sternal could not be present in person at ...

Category: General, News

On July 5, representatives of GE Life Science contributed to our institute seminar with talks about protein purification and filtration. Members of the Institute of Bioprocess Engineering reported on their experience with the new column material Capto Core 700. The photo shows the main actors of the...

Category: General, News