Author: Kathrin Castiglione

FAU is currently working on plans to offer more face-to-face teaching again. Bayerischer Rundfunk reported on this in the Frankenschau in July 2021. Vice-President Bärbel Kopp emphasizes, however, that the minimum distance of 1.50 m must still be observed and must therefore be the basis of all p...

Category: Allgemein

In the current issue of "Nachrichten aus der Chemie" there is a conference report on the past CeBiTec symposium, in which our PhD student Michael Mertz also participated in December 2019. The symposium was entitled: "13th International CeBiTec Symposium: Multi-Step Syntheses in Biology & Che...

Category: Conferences, General, News

Right at the beginning of the year 2020, a particularly interesting guest lecture took place within the BVT Institute Seminar. Dr. Boqiao Sun reported on the patentability of biotechnological inventions and thus gave an insight into this important field which was unusual at least in this seminar fra...

Category: Allgemein

After a great Christmas party, organized by Johanna Gogl and Arabella Essert with the greatest attention to detail, the end of the year is just around the corner. Our two Christmas angels gave us an extremely entertaining and varied evening - thank you very much! Many thanks also to all employees an...

Category: Allgemein

This year, Prof. Dr. Castiglione presented her research in one of the two keynote lectures at the FAU Dies Academicus. Her topic was "Modern Bioprocess Engineering: Molecular Tools for Innovative Processes". The lecture can be found on the page

Category: General, News